Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Birds

We woke to couple inches of snow this morning and it's still snowing. But I couldn't let that derail the spring theme bento I wanted to do as I'll be away for work the next three days (and would miss the official start of the season_ even though spring doesn't really start here until May 20, really)

M ate every.single.bite but the sunflower seeds - so I KNOW he was full ;)

In the box: broccoli, sunflower seeds, Dove chocolate eggs, PBJ robin sandwiches with red sugar for the breasts, cauliflower, strawberry, grapes, blueberries, carrots, ranch dip.

Bento of the Week

Peace out ~Kristin


Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Love the Robin Red Breasts!!! I love SPRING!

Diana Rambles
Bento Blog Network

Rina @ Bento School Lunches said...

So cute and I love it! You are very

Unknown said...

Wow! This is so pretty! :)

Kathy said...

Wonderful themed bento! What did you use to attach the red sugar to the bread?

Koogle said...

I love the nest with the little blue robin eggs!

momoika said...

sweet bento..!!

Amila said...

so lovely bento....

Leather Lineage said...
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Leather Lineage said...
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